Work experience


Software for organizing, recalling, sharing, and collaboration with your online knowledge.

Full-Stack Web+Mobile Developer: 2017 - now

Platforms: Web extension, iOS + Android app (React Native), web app


  • Working and coordinating in a fully remote team, with members located over 4 different continents.
  • Managing a large codebase with a large amount of TypeScript code shared, running over 5 different platforms: iOS, Android, browser, Node, Firebase, Cloudflare.
  • Learning the importance of testing.

Rocket Launcher

Browser-based “edutainment” game to teach kids fraction addition in a fun setting. Developed as an entry into the 2021 Odin Project Game Jam.

Frontend Web Developer / Game Designer: 2021


  • Building it in 100% browser-native tech. No transpilation or build tools.
  • First time building a game. Had to learn how to do level design and ways to make the gameplay fun and compelling while still having an educational focus.
  • Achieving 3rd place out of 37 entries in the competition.


CRM software for PR teams.

Frontend Web Developer: 2016


  • First time working on a big, established project where I had to figure out how things already worked to add my own contributions.
  • First time working with a fully remote team.
  • Learning how to use Draft.js to build a highly customizable text editor.

Sportistics WhichTeam

Mobile app for sharing and discussing football tips.

Full-stack Web+Mobile Developer: 2015-2017

Platforms: iOS + Android app (Cordova + MeteorJS)


  • First real project where we built up an active user base from nothing.
  • Being able to put a lot of tech (JS ES6, CSS, MongoDB, Docker) that I had tinkered with and spent a lot of time reading about into real use.
  • Having to constantly learn new tech to be able to solve different problems that came up.


Monash University

Bachelor of Computer Science (First Class Honours): 2010 - 2015


  • Failing first year discrete math with an 8% grade to confidently passing it in second year with 98% grade.
  • Achieving a scholarship to do a research semester at UC San Diego.
  • Achieving a scholarship to study Mandarin for a semester at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei.
  • Working as a TA, teaching undergrad programming and operating systems classes in my final year.
  • Getting a paper published based on the work I did as part of my final Honours year research thesis.


Tools and Technologies

  • Web:
    • Web Extension APIs
    • Chrome Manifest v3
    • IndexedDB
    • React
    • React Native
    • Javascript / Typescript
    • Node
    • SvelteKit
    • Jest
    • TDD
  • Cloud Infrastructure:
    • Docker + Docker compose
    • Firebase (Firestore, Functions, Hosting, Auth, Cloud Messaging, Realtime DB)
    • Cloudflare (Workers, KV, Domains, R2)
  • Software Design and Architecture:
    • Algorithm design and analysis
    • Database design
    • API design
    • Scalable code architecture


  • English: native
  • Vietnamese: conversational
  • Indonesian: conversational
  • Mandarin: elementary